Sunday, December 27, 2015

your eyes come first

i'm going to start with what i don't remember

because i don't remember the view, but i remember your eyes

and i remember the feeling of your hands on my back

and getting a glimpse of the moon over your shoulder when you held 

me closer

i remember your smile...your real smile that you didn't try to hide

and i remember you saying that i was making it too hard for you 

to leave

i'm sorry

i remember those phone calls that always seemed to interrupt us 

i remember your birthday and getting in trouble because we didn't 

want to say goodnight

and i remember doing it all over again the next night

i try to remember July 24th but then i stop myself because i know 

i'll get too nostalgic for you

but maybe it's worth it

i remember every note to all 18 songs, and why you say they remind 

you of me

and i remember listening to them everyday for months after you left,

and why i'll probably do it again

i remember being told that using i is improper, but how can i talk

about you without talking about you and i?

i can't

so i'll remember it all. everything your mom tells me, the sound of 

your voice, the moon coming in second over your eyes, and the 


but more importantly i'll always remember our hello

Sunday, December 13, 2015

i bought a house in paris

Dear Wondermike,

this is inspired by your post I Bought a House in Paris

this was my favorite post of yours, and i hope you approve of what i

did with it

Saturday, December 5, 2015

under the ink

if it told you what i dreamed about, would you still stay to watch 

me sleep?

if i told you why i like that song, would you still listen to it 

with me?

if i told you how we were going to end, would you still have tried?

if i told you what the blacked out words said, would you still 

think the remaining are beautiful?

because the best stories lie in the words that you can't see. 

the words that you have to search to find. 

hidden in there is the 31st of may, and how amazing and horrifying i

find that day

or july 29th at 3AM, and how even though we were supposed to be sad,

we still found humor in that awful experience.

and in the center, if you look hard enough, you'll see the 24th of

july. and why i consider it the best day of my life.

and sure you may not understand, and you may prefer the words that i

have left for you to read. but they'll never amount to a 12AM text

on november 12, or an 'i miss you' on the 16th of every month

and those stories are not so easily left around to find