Sunday, December 27, 2015

your eyes come first

i'm going to start with what i don't remember

because i don't remember the view, but i remember your eyes

and i remember the feeling of your hands on my back

and getting a glimpse of the moon over your shoulder when you held 

me closer

i remember your smile...your real smile that you didn't try to hide

and i remember you saying that i was making it too hard for you 

to leave

i'm sorry

i remember those phone calls that always seemed to interrupt us 

i remember your birthday and getting in trouble because we didn't 

want to say goodnight

and i remember doing it all over again the next night

i try to remember July 24th but then i stop myself because i know 

i'll get too nostalgic for you

but maybe it's worth it

i remember every note to all 18 songs, and why you say they remind 

you of me

and i remember listening to them everyday for months after you left,

and why i'll probably do it again

i remember being told that using i is improper, but how can i talk

about you without talking about you and i?

i can't

so i'll remember it all. everything your mom tells me, the sound of 

your voice, the moon coming in second over your eyes, and the 


but more importantly i'll always remember our hello


  1. "i'm going to start with what i don't remember

    because i don't remember the view, but i remember your eyes"

    too good jenna, too good!!

  2. "and i remember doing it all over again the next night

    i try to remember July 24th but then i stop myself because i know

    i'll get too nostalgic for you

    but maybe it's worth it"

    Really love this one

  3. i remember your birthday and getting in trouble because we didn't
    want to say goodnight


  4. "i remember being told that using i is improper, but how can i talk

    about you without talking about you and i?

    i can't"

    This one is really good.

  5. "i remember being told that using i is improper, but how can i talk
    about you without talking about you and i?"
    This whole post was soooo soooo sooo good!
