Sunday, March 27, 2016

second chances

sometimes it feels good to have my head in the clouds

nothing but silence and the color grey and nothing to bring me down

to not have to think about promises that can't happen for years

and to forget about people who hurt you and can't even say sorry

i wish my head could always be in the clouds

i've always like the color grey, it remind me of you

but sooner or later we all have to come back down to earth

we all have to face the minutes spent alone that feel like years

we all have to face the people that constantly put us down

we are all waiting for something

but you could be the most vibrant rainbow

but still be trying to seek approval from a colorblind man

promises can expire and people can hurt you

and you might always be at war with the clock 

but remember that 11:11 comes twice a day

because everyone deserves a seconds chance


  1. the last two lines.

    and the rainbow and the colorblind man.

  2. wow that ending though

    *mic drop*
