Monday, May 23, 2016

i hear they paint the ocean blue

tonight i can't see timp

after friday i won't see you, or you

.....or even you

tonight i can't even see tomorrow, let alone anything that's 

supposed to come next

i'm going to miss clouds that sit on the mountains

what used to be 4 miles away is now 4000

and soon that will change to just a 1000

but a thousand will never look as good as 0 felt

and i'm trying not to be scared, because i hear that the ocean is

pretty blue

but then again, so were you.

tonight i'm trying hard to picture tomorrow, and the next day

i wonder if you're doing the same

i wonder if the numbers 0 and 4000 are a little closer tonight 


  1. This made me a little sad, but in the best of ways

    It was beautiful.

    Thank tou

  2. this is beautiful. honestly, i'm a little speechless. thank you for always being honest. (I still can't get over the whole thing you did with the numbers and the 0 and 4000 and wow)

  3. Math and geography and poetry made a baby.

  4. I miss your writing. Also, remember how we were in the same class but I hardly said a word? I regret that.

    You'll always be one of the greats.

    1. saw your name on twitter today and it made me think of this comment & how much I appreciated it but never said anything. thanks trevor, paris was so great and i still miss it!
