Sunday, October 18, 2015


for some of us,
high school is just another stop before we move on to bigger and better
but the second stop on the map doesn't have to be just another stop. it may not be your final destination
but you can make it a stop that matters.
so throw the map out the window and don't worry about following other people's rules!
go to the game and cheer under those friday night lights. go get lost somewhere with the people that matter. get busted by the cops for things that made you feel alive. eat whatever the crap you want before it all goes to your hips. hold that boy's hand tight and never let it go, because you're NOT too young for love. sleep til noon on a saturday . ditch the classes that aren't Nelson's. try not to care what anyone else thinks of you, and just do what makes you happy

because this is our last chance to be reckless and crazy.. and you might not love high school now, but you might look back one day and and miss the stadium lights, and wish you had been a little more adventurous, and wish you had been a little more you.

1 comment:

  1. get busted by the cops for things that made you feel alive

    ditch the classes that aren't Nelson's

    and wish you had been a little more you.

