Sunday, November 22, 2015

everything ends in 1

it started with two
just two
you and me
nothing but the sound of your broken speakers to fill the silence
you said you liked my music, but i didn't believe you
no one likes my music

then there was five thousand
all swaying their phone lights to the sound of my favorite writer
and i realized that you had memorized the songs for me
and your favorite happened to be mine

then there was twenty
twenty of us left in that cold barn
all saying goodbye
john mayer had never sounded more heartbreaking
than he did that night as we all stared at our shoes

that night ended with two
just two
you and me
and as we sat there in your car
listening to those broken speakers play our favorite song
that melody had never sounded more sad
and your face had never looked more hurt

but the next day it was me
just me
just one
because at the end of the day i always end up alone
and i always end up missing everyone i ever knew
and everything ends in one
even that song


  1. "you said you liked my music, but i didn't believe you
    no one likes my music" ughhhhh

  2. i really loved this. i felt it. chills.

  3. The ending though..... WOW. This is fantastic.

  4. ouch. that ending.

    maybe everything ends in one because you are number one (in blog writing and in my heart)

  5. " john mayer had never sounded more heartbreaking
    than he did that night as we all stared at our shoes"
    This was amazing!!

  6. you're a good writer and i love you

  7. I screenshotted it so I could just have it on my phone

  8. i love your blog--the way it looks
    and the pictures are so relevant

    and most importantly the writing.

    the writing.

    such a fan.
