Sunday, November 29, 2015

the lesser known "I Don't Have A Dream" speech

i never really thought of how this moment would go

i wasn't really nervous, i wasn't really excited

because i don't really care about what people think of me

i wrote what i wrote for me

some of it was really personal, and i was insecure about all of it

but i wouldn't take back a single word i wrote

so here it goes...

I'm an 18 year old girl that doesn't have a dream

i don't really know what i want from life

i change my mind everyday

i don't really know who i am or where i fit in

but truth be told i don't really care.

i use haha too much

i chose my pen name after a character of a hit 90's movie 

i use dork as a term of endearment 

July 24 is the best day that i can remember

i believe everything looks better in black

i'm writing this instead of my college essays

hawaii is my paris

my best friends all live over 3000 miles away now

i speak fluent movie quotes

and i absolutely hate mirrors

but mostly i'm me

not Cher, me

no longer anonymous

i'm just Jenna

Jenna Bell


  1. jenna!!!

    amen to not writing college essays

    "some of it was really personal, and i was insecure about all of it

    but i wouldn't take back a single word i wrote"

    mmm amazing reveal, amazing writer

  2. jenna you are amazing, your blog has been one of my top 5 this whole year.

  3. "because i don't really care about what people think of me

    i wrote what i wrote for me"


  4. you have always been one of my favorites.

    i love your writing and this reveal was perfect. never expected anything less.

  5. How did I not put it together. Cher. Clueless. I love it.

    Write for you, write for you.

  6. 'i'm writing this instead of my college essays'
    SAME. You're awesome. I love the little facts you share about yourself. Great reveal.

  7. Okay your blog is one of my absolute favorites. Good to meet you!

  8. "hawaii is my paris

    my best friends all live over 3000 miles away now"
    That's so sad. Thank you so much for all of your comments this year! I loved reading your blog. You're a great writer and I love that you always wrote from the heart. Thank you for being you this year

  9. Everything you wrote constantly astounded me. I relate so much to this reveal. Keep writing keep writing keep writing.

  10. Jenna. Nice to meet you :) I adore your blog. And by the way this is so relatable and real. It's fantastic!

  11. aww my lovely jenna, i have adored your blog but i think even more so, i have loved our squad lunches and discovering more and more pieces of you every day. thank you for letting me. thank you for laughing a lot. thank you for this.

  12. i love this, and your writing. can't wait to read more.

  13. YAS, cool to know that my C+ heart was written by you!:)

  14. So very nice to meet you, Jenna. You are infinitely lovely and your blog is truly special.

  15. Jenna!!! Seriously love your blog and this was a great reveal, you amaze me! Love being in a class with you!
