Monday, May 23, 2016

i hear they paint the ocean blue

tonight i can't see timp

after friday i won't see you, or you

.....or even you

tonight i can't even see tomorrow, let alone anything that's 

supposed to come next

i'm going to miss clouds that sit on the mountains

what used to be 4 miles away is now 4000

and soon that will change to just a 1000

but a thousand will never look as good as 0 felt

and i'm trying not to be scared, because i hear that the ocean is

pretty blue

but then again, so were you.

tonight i'm trying hard to picture tomorrow, and the next day

i wonder if you're doing the same

i wonder if the numbers 0 and 4000 are a little closer tonight 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

red stained cheeks and 'so to speak'

i'm always leaving things unspoken

and i'm trying to decide if that's good or bad.

sometimes i wish others would do the same.

because no one is meaner to you than someone who hates themselves

and sometimes i forget that. sometimes we all forget that

ugly words turn into crimson tears,

and sometimes i think she thrives on my red stained cheeks.

we can try and try our best to hide the red, 

but you'll never know how long your words stay in their head.

i'm always leaving things unspoken

someday i hope they learn to do the same

and value the ones with beautiful words

and beautiful minds 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

second chances

sometimes it feels good to have my head in the clouds

nothing but silence and the color grey and nothing to bring me down

to not have to think about promises that can't happen for years

and to forget about people who hurt you and can't even say sorry

i wish my head could always be in the clouds

i've always like the color grey, it remind me of you

but sooner or later we all have to come back down to earth

we all have to face the minutes spent alone that feel like years

we all have to face the people that constantly put us down

we are all waiting for something

but you could be the most vibrant rainbow

but still be trying to seek approval from a colorblind man

promises can expire and people can hurt you

and you might always be at war with the clock 

but remember that 11:11 comes twice a day

because everyone deserves a seconds chance

Thursday, March 3, 2016

writer's music

i took my favorite songs,

carter and megan's playlist,

and music from eva peron

and made a few CD's for us to listen to

during our writing prompts.

nels mix 1

1. We Won't 
2. Die a Happy Man
3. Give Me Love
4. Already Home
5. Cure
6. Hooked On a Feeling
7. Hero
8. Every Breath You Take
9. Like We Used To (piano version)
10. Let it Go

Sunday, February 21, 2016

lost eyelashes

lets collaborate

lets put our hands together and reach for the stars

because its the only place that we both find inspiration

lets make musics

lets pluck each others heart strings until we find a melody that 

makes us both feel alive

it's been a little too long for me

lets cram our thoughts together until it sends us to the clouds

because i've been too scared to go back since my eighth grade 

teacher told me to come back down to earth

lets go back to wishing on our lost eyelashes

back when our knees were stained green

and our whole world was our backyard

lets write each other love letters

and we'll kiss the page so by the time it reaches the other

we'll always have a kiss for a rainy day

lets remember the good and the bad

the goodbyes and the hellos

and the times we ended with love, and not sincerely 

Monday, February 15, 2016

love hit the snooze

it's 3am and i'm still thinking of you

and you're probably asleep

but my heart woke me up hours ago

and there's no snooze or reset button

but i can't stop thinking about all the nights spent with you

and the many ways you made me feel even when you weren't around

all the feelings of may are still stuck with me

like the way my ears will always still recognize your laugh and my 

hands will always remember the feel of your's

i always liked the way your hands felt holding mine

sometimes i feel like i can live in those moments forever

and spend my time in a ten month old dream

that my heart isn't the only one living in the past

that it's december and that i'm not alone in my room at 3am

that love has only hit the snooze button and o only have 9 minutes 

left of this dream

i always liked myself more when i was with you

but sooner or later i have to wake up 

as much as i miss july, and as much as i long for the future

it's still just february, and it's now 4am and i'm crying

and you're still asleep

and i liked the idea of love a lot more when i was with you

but my heart woke me up hours ago

and i wonder sometimes if your's does the same

even if it feels like mine's the only one that does

because i feel like that's what two hearts in love would do

Monday, February 8, 2016

Project Journal

i wanted my journal to be distinctly mine

so i spent six hours finding all my favorite photographs and 

artwork, and put them all together on the cover of my journal

it's certainly not perfect... but every piece of it means something

to me

Sunday, February 7, 2016

the songs

the song that first captured my attention
the song with a beautiful guitar melody
the song with substance

the song that's a bit country
the song that tells a story
the song that most people won't like

the songs that spoke to me
the songs i listened to all the way through
the songs that are simple
the songs that aren't most people's taste
the songs that i liked

two songs because i couldn't pick just one

Sunday, January 31, 2016

heart around my neck

i've never really been good at first impressions, or second ones for

that matter

i'm not cher anymore, so i guess that makes me jenna

i speak exclusively in song lyrics and movie quotes

i'm a time traveler, but only in my mind because i love reliving 

good memories

i love the ocean, and the sand and 90 degree weather

but if you asked me where my favorite place in the world is i 

wouldn't tell you

photographs and blue eyes melt my heart

and i'm a sucker for anything by ed sheeran

i don't wear my heart on my sleeve because i wear my heart around 

my neck

i live for music but i replay the same twenty songs over and over..

and there's one thing in this world that can take me breath away.

hi, i'm jenna and i'm not that great at second impressions 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

malade de paris

four months left on vacation and you already packed your bags

123 days left in this city, and some of you went to your hotel rooms

 and i haven't seen you since

2,952 hours until paris is just a stamp on your passport and you're

 acting like you're already gone

177,120 seconds might pass you by because you couldn't find the

 eiffel tower without your tour guide

well i can't count how long it took me to write my first blog post

and i don't know how many hours i spent on my journal

but i know that five months have come and gone and i'm not just a 

tenant here anymore

and i know that paris might be a metaphor but it's always felt more 

real that alpine, utah

i know that i always end up saying hello just before i'll have to 

say goodbye

i know that i still have 1 year and 326 days until i can breath 


and i know that we'll take turns coming home 

paris can't wait on me forever

so i have four months to say goodbye, and four months to say what i

 want to say

and not enough time for any of it

Sunday, January 10, 2016

let's talk about it

most people believe that they are either blessed, or cursed

sometimes i think that i'm both.

but if we're going to talk, let's talk about you

if we're going to talk, lets talk about how you've probably already

  decided which one you are

if we're going to talk, let's be real.

the moment that defined which one you are doesn't lie in that time

 that you got a C on that chemistry test

or even in the 8th grade when you didn't get that boy 

it lies in all the times that you cry for hours and no one seems to 


it lies in the first time that dad slept on the couch 

and it lies in the last time you remember him in the house at all.

it may have been on that sunday where nothing seemed to be going 

right and that girl around the corner just couldn't leave you alone.

or it may have been when you just wanted something to distract from

 the pain just for a second.

i'm still trying to pick what moment is mine.

if we're gonna talk, let's talk about how i already know some of 

yours, and how we're still strangers.

let's talk about how we publish our hearts to each other every 

week, and i still don't know your last name.

so here it is, our final moment...real talk.

let's talk about how Courtney Rome is a dude, and a junior.

let's talk about how i didn't even know Mabel Q a few months ago, 

but now i know what every single one of her posts is about.

let's talk about Eva Peron and how we all secretly want to be her.

let's not talk about turning in our journals because you don't 

have to.

let's not talk about our last our last post because this doesn't 

have to be it.

let's not talk about leaving Paris, because it's the best vacation

that i have ever been on, and i'm not a tourist anymore.